Friday, January 2, 2009

2nd post, can you help?

Yay for the 2nd post of the new year! I finally got to add Madayade, which is the latest song by BerryzKoubou to Itunes! It is such an awesome song! It's just way to cool! Aparently Madayade means "There's still time", which i wonder what it means by that. See my japanese is horrible, and my chinese is only Okay. *sigh* i really need to working on my asain languages! Also whenever i go to sing any of the berryz song i end up singing Sugaya Risako's Lines! Well, it doesn't help that she is my favourtie member of the group and also has the best singing voice of the group in my opinion. Actually the only reason i got into Berryz Koubou so much is because of twilight. Needed something to listen to that would help me pull out of the book because it is so addicting! Which is why i now associate Piriri to Yukou with Twilight! Is that weird or what? Anyway, on to what i need help with. I need a good name for my Twilight Fanfiction! I can't come up with anything that sounds good at all! Well, good to me, i don't want to fanfiction to have a bad name! That just turns them away. Also remeber this story was originally written for me and my friends not for the general public.

Oh, i just thought of something, i just want to say it in japanese for some reason. It would be Golden Twilight in the end, it's a play on the family's last name. Maybe i'm saying to much about the story! Gah! I really got to get out of the habit of babbling too much! Expecially about stuff that i'm trying to keep secret from everyone else till the story is out that is!! Yep, yep got to keep the rest of the storyline out of the blog untill i post it in the fourm. here's to hoping that someone can help me figure out the name of the story, also that no one says that i stole the names from Akado-kun and their are a couple of names that might get changed, those being Arisa's Siblings! just not sure what to change the names to. Gonna take alot of thinking to come up with new names, but oh well, if that's what it takes that is what i'll do!

Laterz, Yunku

P.S. here is the link to the fanfiction:
Also i will put this at the beginning of every post so you don't have to look for this post every time you want to go to the Fanfiction. I will also give you updates on what's going on in the story, though it will only be a short part of that section of the story. So you will have to go to the story in order to be able to keep up. *giggle* I feel kinda evil though! anyway, enjoy your life.

Now playing: Berryz工房 - MADAYADE
via FoxyTunes

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