Wednesday, July 30, 2008

some more quizzes (mini moni)

which Mini Moni singer are you? options that could be available!
Ai Kago, Tsuji, Mika Todd, Ai Takahashi, and Mari Yaguchi.
(pictures at bottem after quiz links)

Results Ai Kago:2

Results Tsuji:1

Results Mika Todd:1

Results Ai Takahashi:

Results Yaguchi Mari:

quizzes taken:




You are Tsuji Nozomi! The youngest member of Mini Moni. Was there for 1st and 2nd generations. Started in Morning Musume in 3rd generation with Ai Kago. Now Ai Kago and Tsuji Nozomi are in a band called W together. Tsuji is a humorous girl who loves to eat.

Kawaii!! You're Ai Kago, that means you're my favorit! Awe! *pinches you with lerv* <3

Now for a different quiz!! Mini Moni Single!

You're Minimoni Janken Pyon! You're the first, and most popular one. Maybe that's because you're the perfect combination of all the factors that make a great song, that later generations just couldn't quite get. You're an ideal mix of genki, kawaii and silly.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

some quizzes

i found some quizzes that Akado had taken, and decieded to take a few of them. so here are my results on the ones i took.

What kind of person do you tend to fall for?
Your Result: sweet-heart/funny character

these people are awesome, and tend to be my preference. They always make you laugh, do anything to make you happy, and are super sweet. these are the people you can usually fall hopelessly in love with, congrats! you're goin down a good path. but you want to be careful they aren't too sweet, you don't wanna fall in love with a gay person, unless you are too. you also don't want to fall in love with a pussy.

a person
punk - emo
What kind of person do you tend to fall for?
Create MySpace Quizzes

What's Your Best Quality?
Your Result: Personality

Your best quality is your personality! People like you because you are an all around good person. You have good manners and values. You also like to express your personal style and interests.

Sense of Humor
What's Your Best Quality?
Take More Quizzes

What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: Love/Happiness

It appears love and peace and prosperity is your strongest emotion. You want everyone to be just as happy as you don't want anyone hurt and will do anything to make everyone smile

Lust/Attention Whore
What is your strongest emotion?
Create MySpace Quizzes

Okay, that was actually kinda fun. Well, I've started up my own little website, don't ask why but i did. it's Http://
Oh, and here are some quizilla quizzes!
(Morning Musume)

Iida Kaori
She's a first generation Momusu, she was a part of the single selling challenge.
As one of the older members in Morning Musume, she has been a guide to younger generations.
Kind and friendly, and likes to have fun.
She graduated in 2005 to pursue a solo career.
Favorite Song: Morning Coffee

Linlin! It's hard to pinpoint you. You're the least noticeable of the newer members, if only because Mittsi's been around longer, and Junjun literally overshadows you (she's quite tall :O) But you're a born star--it's obvious. Every move you make shows it. Whether it's your absolute grandeur in acting, or your perfect gestures... It's a performance. So what if everyone's going to mistake you for Ayaka? You've got a great voice (if UFA didn't try to hide that) and you can sell it~!

Quizzes from quizzila:

Well, thanks for looking at all these things!!
love ya' lots

From me to you, this has been Yunku!

Monday, July 28, 2008

sorry about the last post

sorry about that, i was really having issues that day. So, now that all of that is aside i have a movie recomidation.

Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D.

Now this movie (in this form) would suck as a 2D movie, but then i've never seen the actual 2d version. So it could be somewhat different.

but, this is awesome. great things to make you jump, and all of that. By the way, i've never seen the original movie, or read the book. but this is a ton of fun.
so even though i rarely do this, i suggest you go see it.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

hello, hello, hello!! mood: overly hyper!!!!!

hey yo' everybody! i hope that all of your days are going by really really well. If you can't tell, by now. I'm kinda hypers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and i'm pretty sure that this wasn't caused my soda, but my cereal that i ate about 2 to 3 hours ago. Anyway, i didn't have much to say, but LOVE YA' LOTS!!!!!!

See ya's laters

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Just wanting to make this clear

my japanese is Horrible, so everytime you see the english lyrics after the videos they were pulled from a site.

Most of the time with Morning Musume it's:
The latest mini moni song was from

So now with all that cleared up, it's Morning Musume's "Egao yes nude"

Lyrics link: <--- has color coding for the members

Overflowing light
A floating black berry
I can't stop loving your eyes

Hey, hold me
I can't stay like this
But (but) But (but)
It's lovely (lovely) lovely (lovely)

Tears come forth
This love is a mystery
It's like I can't turn back now

Why are you so nice?
Aren't you lonely by yourself?
Let me hear your wishes
before your lips get dry

Smile Yes Nude
I'm yours alone, so
be strong without holding back
I'll follow you any night

Smile Yes Nude
But, but, it's so amazing
It's supposed to be like a far, far away dream, but
for some reason I fall asleep
on your chest with a smile

We just kissed
Our 2nd February
No one will lose to this Melody

I'm already confused
I'm going to break like this
But (but) But (but)
It's lovely (lovely) lovely (lovely)

Having tea
at that fashionable bakery
Hey, let's go out together

Why is this so fun?
Summer is waiting, isn't it?
I don't believe the what society is predicting
I'm going on a woman's feeling

Smile Yes Nude
I'm me because you're you
Once we love it won't stop
We're a Romeo and Juliet with no end

Smile Yes Nude
So, so, I'm a little scared
This love is supposed to be so, so close
But, but, exhausted, I'll sleep
on your chest

I saw a falling star with you
A slowly falling star
Before I said my wish,
I held your hand tightly

Smile Yes Nude
I'm yours alone, so
be strong without holding back
I'll follow you any night

Smile Yes Nude
But, but, it's so amazing
It's supposed to be like a far, far away dream, but
for some reason I fall asleep

Smile Yes Nude
I'm me because you're you
Once we love it won't stop
We're a Romeo and Juliet with no end

Smile Yes Nude
So, so, I'm a little scared
This love is supposed to be so, so close
But, but, exhausted, I'll sleep
on your chest

Another update

Just wanted to give another update on how i am.

Well, Thanks to my brother, the whole family is sick!!!! It's taking away my voice, and I might leave the american beforu and any attempt at singing. It's making me cough, and cough, and cough, and that is why i can sing lower notes. i'm hoping that one of these days, it'll be over, and i'll be able to stop having so many attacks like this. It's ruining my voice.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gaming obsession

This is just another update, much like other one!

I'm becoming obsessed with games, Mostly Fatal Frame 2! We have a new couch, my brother got a new matress for his bed, and I'm getting more Mini Moni music! Absolutly love the group, had at the most 4 members. I really miss them, though, Mika is off to other things. She has released atleast 1 single since leaving the group, i just haven't heard it. Ai Kago did a movie recently, and might be coming back as a singer, though i'm not sure about that. Tsuji had a daughter recently and she is supposed to be coming back. I haven't kept up with Ai takahashi, or the other member. Oh, i am so bad, i can't remeber the original leaders name!!! Ahh!!!! Anyway, now more and more people are finding out about me and Akado. I think i might have depressed one of my guy friends name LJ (Larry Capps) but not like that really matters, i just about always thought of him as more of an older brother type. Plus, I Love Akado. Anyway, my facebook has us listed as being in a relationship. Anyway, to end this, i give you, MINI MONI!!!


Lucky cha cha cha, I’ve got a little, cute dream
I wanna make it come true
Lucky cha cha cha, girls
All have
Little dreams
They dream and dream
And that gives girls
Their bright excitement

I’ve got friendships
That keep me warm
Even in the cold winter

Under the moonlight
Under the moonlight
Look at me, Mr Moon!

I’m sure it’s the best
I’m mega-happy
I’m in love, love
I’m having my youth, my youth
(I’m having it!)

Lucky cha cha cha, I’ve got a little, cute dream
I wanna make it come true
Lucky cha cha cha, girls
All have
Little dreams

He dumped me
And I’m sad
A girl’s tragedy

I have kindnesses
That keep me cool
Even in the hot summer

Open the window
Open the window
The door of love

It’s wondeful
There’s nothing like it
I’m so, so not stopping
I’m in love, love
(I am!)

Lucky cha cha cha, my dream
Is big and wonderful, I’ll get closer to it
Lucky cha cha cha, little by little
I’ll gather together
My little dreams


Lucky cha cha cha, I’ve got a little, cute dream
I wanna make it come true
Lucky cha cha cha, girls
All have
Little dreams

“One more time!”

Lucky cha cha cha, my dream
Is big and wonderful, I’ll get closer to it
Lucky cha cha cha, little by little
I’ll gather together
My little dreams

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blog Update!!!

Sorry for not updating for so long! Anyway, now for some updates.

1. My tooth pain is gone!!! YAY!!! That and it just went away by myself, and aparently it was growing out some more, and now it's done!!! Makes me feel so great, now eating, drinking and talking, don't hurt!!!

2. I've gotten some new video games!!! two new games!!! Those are "The Sims 2" for my nintendo gamecube, and Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly directors cut for the X-box!!! That and i have more money on my phone, which means, more ringtones. So, if you have any ideas for songs that speak about how i am, and would also make great ringtones, please tell me!!! I love to hear ideas from other people.

3. I'm working on lyric writing, mostly because i'm 17, and not only do most of the lyrics i write sound like a kid should sing them, but yeah. They are not mature enough for someone like me. Though, It doesn't mean i'm going to let some random little kid who wants to be a singer have my lyrics! Those are mine,and they took a long time to write.

Owwwwwwww... my hand is begining to cramp with all the lack of typing over the past few days!!! Also, I'm not the only person obsessed with a game at this time in the family. My dad keeps trying to beat the Game "Mist IV: Revelation" which aparently you can only beat by cheating. I bet Atem (the pharoh guy from Yu-gi-oh) could beat that game. Plus i quote from Yugi Mouto (the abridged series, as he was attempting to solve the millenium puzzle in the movie) "damn, this thing is harder to solve then mist" Yes, Mist is a pain!!! That, and I'm generaly lazy when it comes to game, so i cheat too. Though, i only needed the book order in Fatal Frame 2, and now i have it memerized! Anyway, it took me 4:05:05 to beat it, and i go a B. Now i know that i can do better then that, so i will try my best!!! Also, now for some other info. I went to a place called the Yellow River last night, they have great Chicken fried rice, infact i still have some in the fridge. But as i was moving it on the plate, i accidently made it look like pacman!! I have the picture on my cell, I'll try uploading it sometime and getting it up. So, i don't have much to say now, just feel free to comment, or message me. Makes it more likely for me to post if i know someone reads this noncense.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Recent pains

Everything had been going well today, untill the teeth on the right side of my mouth began to hurt, horrible. I'm trying to convince my parents to get me an appoitment with a dentist. It hurts like hell! I think that it's my wisdom tooth on that side pushing into the rest of the teeth.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

For the 3 that inspire me

There are 3 things that truely push me forward

1. the person i love, Akado
2. my great friend, Reyna (christina)
3 the great japanese group (morning Musume)

Let it go!

Hey! Future!!

be happy lyrics are on the video!!!!!!

I love you the most.

For Akado

For the person who makes my day
so much brighter
so much better
so great
and inspires me to yell and shout
this is the song for them

Yes! Wonderland
Spread the wings of your dreams
Break through
Break through from yourself!

When asked, "What do you want to do?"
What I say shocks you
When starting something new
You put on a super worried face

We're still in the middle of a dream
Everyone's that way too
(Wow wow wow)
Goodbye bye to good reasons
Your chance is there

Yes! Wonderland
You live life only once
Let's learn enough to pack our stomachs
Yes! Wonderland
Spread the wings of your dreams
Break through
Break through from yourself!

My mentor taught me
that there is more than one answer
When I learned of the dream of lovers
Ah, I felt a bit of jealousy

We're still in the middle of learning everything
Everyone's that way too
(Wow wow wow)
Meeting for the first time and saying goodbye bye
I won't forget your smile

Yes! Wonderland
Song overcome country borders
It advances on to just about anywhere
Yes! Wonderland
Spread the wings of love
"I'm here"
I'm gonna shout it out now!

Yes! Wonderland
Song overcome country borders
It advances on to just about anywhere
Yes! Wonderland
Spread the wings of love
"I'm here"
I'm gonna shout it out now!

Break through
Break through from yourself!

Wow wow wow
All the lonely boys and girls
Wow wow wow wow wow
(Here is Wonderland)
Wow wow wow
All the lonely boys and girls
Lonely boys and girls
(Come on, say it again)

Wow wow wow
All the lonely boys and girls
Wow wow wow wow wow
(Let's go enthusiastically!)
Wow wow wow
All the lonely boys and girls
Lonely boys and girls