Thursday, January 1, 2009

First post of the year (Angst)

Happy First day of the year!!! This, for me atleast, has been an interesting day!
though i have had some weird moments!
Like when i tried to go to sleep last night!
That being after i celebrated the new year. with my family and with the video game "Animal Crossing City Folk". i had a weird dream where i was being attacked by zombies and got rescued by Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2! i'm still kinda confused about that, not the zombie part because i've been playing way to many zombie games for the past couple of weeks! That's not the only obsession that i have. twilight! Twilight is just awesome. i might have gotten into it sooner if the 2 ashley's i knew hadn't been such stubborn A-holes on telling me about it. I asked them but they didn't say a damn thing. Jerks. Anyway, I love Twilight now that i know about it. Which brings me to my next thing. My Twilight fanfiction that i've been working on for about the last month and a half or so. It doesn't have any fancy name or any dangerous story line, it's mostly for the entertainment of me and my friends then anyone else. That's because we all have a character in it. My characters name is Arisa Gold, She's with a guy named jake that she turned. it's kinda a long story to explain in a blog. seeing that i don't want to type to much! *giggle* Now onto to why i brought that up. Akado-kun has started his own little fanfiction that is inspired by Twilight. There is a problem though, see i have a reason, i told him about my story and the characters name, and now they are in his story too. Jake is the main character, and Arisa is human/normal in this one. That's what she calls people that aren't vampires, it's because she doesn't want to tell this one person to much, that is a "normal" friend of hers. don't want to tell you guys too much or you might steal my story! which would be a bad thing for me! Anyway, he is posting it in Beat+wings fourms, which is where i wanted to post mine. But now i'm nervous because they may think that i stole the character names from him!!! It's not that i have anything wrong with him using them, i just don't want to be told that i stole them! I just don't like that kind of thing being used againest me! well that didn't make any sence but just work with it. now i still plan on putting up the Fanfiction soon, or really as soon as i can think of a name!!
well, love ya' all lots.

P.S. Don't think that I hold anything againest you akado-kun, i love you still!!! *hug*

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