Friday, January 9, 2009

Another interesting day that i've had

Today's dream that i woke up too was kinda like a combination of both Fatal Frame, and Resident evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Well mostly RE. this one weird guy ran past in this hall area, and was being followed by this creepy looking tyrant guy with a knife. he tried to stab me with it and the quick events thing happend, you know where you push a button on the wii mote in order to avoid it. well i did, and then the guy that ran off suddenly appeared again and i was able to get away from the bad guy who was trying to stab me by jumping into this little hole thing in the ground and ran off. The problem was, i woke up.

Today at school the first hour was awesome, it was rather fun to play the violin. That and now adays he can run the lesson to the end of the block. I think that it's rather cool, though at times he pushes the lesson a little to close. 4th hour was chinese and once again it was just numbers and stuff. I don't really want to talk about lunch. It just wasn't very good, but i'm alright, i'll be alright. In 6th hour, Drama II, we worked on writing a short one act. In 8th hour, government, we went over the French and Indian War, a part of history that i don't really find all that interesting.

Well, if you want to know i did update the Twilight Fanfiction with another part that i hope you like!

anyway, well that wasn't very much this time. Are you happynopinopi? are you happy?
Laterz, and love you all very much,

Fanfiction things
This is the Url to the Twilight Fanfiction [the story];
This is the Url to the Twilight Fanfiction [info]:

Jasper and Alice, the coolest and sweetest couple ever!

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