Hope that you all are having a good day, or had a good day on the second. It all depends on when you read this.
Anyway, Nascar Rat, Yuna, seems to be getting alittle better. Seeing that she does every now and again turn right instead of left!
Also why i forgot to post yesterday, i forgot to do it early on and then went to go see the musical at my school. First musical in 5 years, and it was awesome. It was Godspell, and really kinda funny at parts! Also at a sad part, a sound came through the sound system that sounded like some one had just set off a whoopie cushion in one of their microphones. Also the sound levels were a tad bit inconsistant, and the lighting person had a little problem at the end with figuring out which lights to turn on!
All and all it was a really nice thing to get to go and see, and the set is awesome! Not to mention big! not as big across as it was up with multiple levels.
I'm so happy that no prank's have really been pulled on me, except for the one with the bus driver, but that was for everyone!
Also youtube for a bit was upside down!
The prank from the bus driver was that drug smelling dogs were going to brought on the bus!
Anyway, i thought it was cool.
Also what do you think of the new song? It's SONGS from Platinum 9 Disc by morning musume! It was either that are Take off is Now! well here are video's of the songs that i really like from the album, Top 3 picks! (just because i feel like it!)
1. SONGS (sorry, but they didn't do this song live so yeah no video, yet. They might be singing at the concerts going on now.)
2. Take Off is Now! (Takihashi Ai, Nigaki Risa, Tanaka Reina)
3. Guru Guru Jump! (Kusumi Koharu, JunJun, LinLin)
by the way, i'm not sure if i ever brought up my rats Nipper, Ben, and Yuna. Anway, Yuna was sick recently and we took her to the vet and now she seems to be getting better, though she can only turn left. Making her a Nascar rat (you know, move turn left, turn left?) and we have to give her this medicine that smells like paint at 7pm and 7am, and that stuff should be gone by 7am sunday.
Anyway, hope that your april first was good, and all that stuff.
Sincerly, Yunku/Arisa/Charlynn
P.S I had a peanut butter and Jelly sandwhich for both Breakfest and lunch. I'm happy i'm not having one for dinner, or i would go insane.